Lake Park Birders:
I was on call this weekend and missed the spectacular "fallout" of
warblers and other migrant songbirds on late Saturday morning. I did
stop at South Shore Park to see the 14 nesting Purple Martins and
Lake Park on Sunday afternoon to hear a few dozen warblers singing,
including a Northern Parula.
Today I bushwhacked the bluff at Big Bay Park in Whitefish Bay and
saw 8 Ruddy Ducks and 25 Red-breasted Mergansers loafing on the lake,
a few Barn Swallows and a dozen Northern Rough-winged Swallow
chattering, a Blackpoll Warbler, a Yellow Warbler, a few Chestnut-
sided Warblers, a Black-and-White Warbler, a Black-throated Green
Warbler, several Myrtle-type Yellow-rumped Warblers and a Nashville
--- Paul Hunter,
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009
From: John H Idzikowski <>
Subject: [wisb] RFI Saturday's fallout event-north of Milwaukee
The migration fallout reported by others from Lake Park and parts
south in Milwaukee was a spectacular event of numbers, but the
diversity was seasonal and predictable with the late warblers mostly
absent-most observers were at 24 species tops for warblers; I had 35
year single day high nos. for Least Fly, Catbird, Solitary Vireo, Wc
Sparrow, among others.
I am putting together a short piece describing weather conditions and
radar evidence illustrating what happened. I'd like to know how far
north did this event occur- did anyone have this kind of fallout in
northern Milwaukee Co. or Ozaukee, Washington, Sheboygan, etc.?
John I, Milwaukee
Date: Sat, 09 May 2009
From: steven lubahn <>
Subject: [wisb] another Mockingbird Sheridan Park, Milwaukee (picture)
I've never seen so many White Crowned Sparrows and Catbirds in my life.
Here is another Mockingbird I saw today in Sheridan park at the
Townsend's spot.
Steven Lubahn, Milwaukee
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009
Subject: [wisb] Re: Lake Park, Milwaukee - Grant Park too
Ditto for Grant Park per Judith's wonderful news of the fallout at Lake
Park. It was spectacular this morning as I tried to concentrate on
Weed Out
(garlic mustard pull) in our southeast side park. I worked with a
of teen volunteers, and finally had to give in to the need to look
up when I
heard a woods-full of bee buzz buzz and so much more. (we did
identify and
talk about the ethno-botany of many of the native wildflowers,
Wayne, so I
felt a bit of permission to finally crook my neck from down to up) One
volunteer was a non-teen and non-birder, but he commented on the
level and
diversity of voices we were surrounded by without any prompting by
me. I'm
hoping Sunday is as fantastic as today for our scheduled walk.
Betsy Abert, who gazed upon three Indigo Bs & a wood warbler at 6am
morning right outside the kitchen window.
From: Chuck Hagner <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009
Subject: [wisb] FW: eBird Report - Estabrook Park , Milwaukee Co.,
A GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER was in Estabrook Park, Milwaukee Co., early
this afternoon.
Chuck Hagner, Milwaukee Co., WI, Twitter: CH_BirdersWorld
Location: Estabrook Park, Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: 48°F, overcast, wind N @ 14 mph. Heavy rain overnight and
earlier in morning. Wet and muddy. Canada Goose total includes 11
goslings. Adult goose sitting on nest on west side of island.
[Edited list:] Chimney Swift 2, Belted Kingfisher 3 , Red-bellied
Woodpecker 3 , Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Least Flycatcher 14 ,
Great Crested Flycatcher 3 , Blue-headed Vireo 6 , Ruby-crowned
Kinglet 16 , Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 11 , Veery 3 , Swainson's Thrush
10 , Hermit Thrush 3 , Gray Catbird 22 , GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER 1 ,
Tennessee Warbler 1 , Nashville Warbler 3 , Yellow Warbler 3 ,
Chestnut-sided Warbler 3 , Magnolia Warbler 10 , Yellow-rumped
Warbler 8 , Black-throated Green Warbler 4 , Blackburnian Warbler 1 ,
Palm Warbler 6 , Black-and-white Warbler 18 , American Redstart 5 ,
Ovenbird 8 , Northern Waterthrush 1 , Common Yellowthroat 3 ,
Lincoln's Sparrow 2 , Swamp Sparrow 7 , White-throated Sparrow 19 ,
White-crowned Sparrow 14 , Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 , Baltimore
Oriole 3 , American Goldfinch 14
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009
From: steven lubahn <>
Subject: [wisb] Hooded Warbler, Estabrook Park, Milwaukee -photos
Today, Lower parking lot North end, go south along the river trail
about a hundred yards. If you're a guy, watch your back.
Steven Lubahn, Milwaukee
From: "Judith Huf" <>
Subject: [wisb] The Hooded Warbler in Estabrook
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009
Steve Lubahn's Hooded Warbler was exactly where Steve said that he
would be. I walked to the spot, "pished" and out popped this
beautiful bird along with several other lovely warblers, including a
male Black-throated Blue. Altogether a profitable way to spend a
half an hour.
Judith Huf, Milwaukee
From: Petherick Chris <>
Subject: [wisb] Milwaukee County Summer Tanager
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009
I found a summer tanager in Doctors Park this evening in Northeast
Milwaukee County. It gave me the chance to get a great look at it
for about 10 minutes as it bounced around a chestnut tree on the
north side of the bike turnaround near the restrooms.
There was also a scarlet tanager in that same tree and a Wilson's
Warbler in the shrubs by the service road entrance. Still quite a
few warblers and thrushes about.
Chris Petherick, Fox Point, Northeastern Milwaukee County
From: Andrea Szymczak <>
Subject: [wisb] Belated Ruddy Turnstone, Milwaukee Co.
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 0
Since I stay away from computers on the weekend...on Saturday 5/9,
after spending an incredible day walking between Warnimont & Sheridan
Park (saw the MOCKINGBIRD there as previously reported), John Winze &
I decided to check the Milwaukee CGI. It was fairly quiet, but we
found (10) DUNLIN & (1) RUDDY TURNSTONE. This was a life bird for me
and it was fun to watch the bird running along the mudflats and
moving stones! He actually "rolled" one for a short
distance....perhaps it should be renamed the Ruddy Rollingstone!!!
Also interesting was that the bird foraged on the inclined sides of
the impoundment, along with the Spotted Sandpipers.
Andrea Szymczak, Waukesha, WI
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009
Subject: [wisb] Hooded Warbler with photos
From: Brian Hansen <>
A huge THANK YOU to Steve Lubahn for posting the sighting of the
Hooded Warbler at Estabrook Park yesterday. After searching an area
and heading home I realized I went to the wrong spot. I debated
going home - 6 straight full days of birding and very tired, but
decided to give it a shot and
headed back to correct parking area. Literally within 2 minutes I
had the bird and watched it for an hour feeding, preening, dozing off
at times. After the most amazing 2 days of photographing spring
migrants I ever had this was the cherry on the cake. Steve - I owe
you dinner my friend!!!!
Here are just a couple of shots that I had time to process. More to
come including a whole gallery dedicated to Warblers in Lake Park. I
ended up with 24 species of Warbs on Saturday and added 3 more
yesterday for a total of 27 plus many many other birds. Hope a few
stick around this week and I
hope my camera is not worn out :)
Brian Hansen, Milwaukee - east side
From: Andrea Szymczak <>
Subject: [wisb] Summer Tanager, Milwaukee Co.
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009
I observed an adult male SUMMER TANAGER at Scout Lake Park in
Greendale on my lunch break. The paved path around the lake is a
tremendously good way to observe migrants at a reasonable height and
not have to get "warbler neck" at the same time. The tanager was
seen on the north end of the lake hanging around & bathing in the
stream inlet to the lake. Also observed were 17 species of warblers
I would strongly encourage a walk at this location. It is
handicapped accessible too. ... two years ago I had a PROTHONOTARY
Andrea Szymczak, Waukesha, WI
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009
Subject: [wisb] Alert - Harris Sparrow Milwaukee
From: Brian Hansen <>
I have a HARRIS SPARROW feeding on the ground in my backyard. While
it is a lifer for me I am 100%
sure of the ID. I have been watching it and taking photos for about
10 minutes and it seems content with all the White-Crowneds. If
anyone wants to come over and see it give me a call at 414-732-6407.
I am on Summit Ave between Locust and Linnwood.
Brian Hansen
Milwaukee - East Side
From: Petherick Chris <>
Subject: [wisb] Milwaukee CGI - Possible Piping Plover
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009
I was at the Coast Guard Impoundment this afternoon and saw what I
think was a Piping Plover (I'm not sure what else it could have
been). I spotted a shorebird that had a single black neck band. It
resembled the semipalmated plover, but was noticeably much paler. It
was near a killdeer and its smaller size and lighter coloration was
clear. Unfortunately I only saw it for about 5 seconds before it
hurried off to an area I couldn't see from my vantage point. I spent
about 35 minutes trying to locate it without success. There were
quite a few semipalmated sandpipers, dunlin and a couple of
dowitchers (short billed to the best of my knowledge) along with
Caspian Terns, shovelers, etc. I couldn't locate the Ruddy Turnstone
that was found Saturday.
Chris Petherick, Fox Point, Northeastern Milwaukee County
From: "Tim Vargo" <>
Date: May 7, 2009
We had a LARK SPARROW on the Thursday morning walk this morning,
feeding on the grass in front of the Urban Ecology Center. To put
this in perspective, Ron hasn't seen a Lark Sparrow in Milwaukee in
35 years. Also, right after the walk we added a TURKEY VULTURE and a
SCARLET TANAGER to the list.
Timothy Vargo, Manager of Research and Citizen Science
Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E Park Pl, Milwaukee WI 53211
From: Chris Fries <>
Date: May 9, 2009
Subject: 05/09 Sheridan Park in Cudahy
With organized birding being cancelled due to the weather today, I
thought I'd head out after the weather subsided some. I decided to
try Sheridan Park due to some recents reports on the Wisconsin
Birding List. I parked at the T intersection of Armour and Sheridan
around 9:30am. I headed straight to the bluff and found this little
thicket just off the bluff. What a great little spot this was. A
Northern Parula was singing. An Ovenbird was hopping around below.
When the Parula was done a Blackburnian Warbler took it's spot. A
Waterthrush (I'm assuming it was a Whitish adult Northern due to the
habitat) was hopping around just two feet from the Ovenbird. Anyway,
that little thicket is a great spot. I only covered probably about a
1/4 mile in two hours. However this is what I saw that for me was of
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Palm Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Tennessee
Warbler, Northern Parula, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler,
Blackburnian Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Black-and-white
Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, American Redstart, Common
Yellowthroat, Northern Waterthrush, Ovenbird, Eastern Towhee, Scarlet
Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, Red-headed Woodpecker, Great-crested
Flycather, Bobolink, Brown Thrasher.
Again, the great thing was that I saw all of these birds (except the
Towhee and Tanager) within probably a 25 yard radius.
Chris Fries
From: "dick & cathy dermody" <>
Subject: [wisb] FW: Warnimont
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009
Because I had such a poor day at Seminary Woods yesterday I decided
to drive to the Kelly Senior Center and walk north into Warnimont
Park. Things started slowly with a FOY BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER and a
AMERICAN REDSTART, countless Palm, Yellow-rumped warblers, and Blue-
gray Gnatcatchers, Several Catbirds, a Brown Thrasher, Swamp Sparrow,
Field Sparrow, A probable Veery, and heard but not seen Blue-winged
warbler and Ovenbird.
Considering that I have cataracts.....You will probably do much better!
Cathy Dermody, St. Francis Southeastern Milwaukee County
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 18:52:46 -0500
From: steven lubahn <>
Subject: [wisb] White-Eyed Vireo Day 2 -Milwaukee
The White-Eyed Vireo was around a second day on Sheridan Dr. This
time it was behind the archery range hill in Warnimont. I see arrows
back there, gives me a nervous kind of feeling.
Steven Lubahn, Milwaukee