Below is Dennis Casper's summary of the last Warbler Walk of this
spring. Thanks to Dennis Casper and Jym Mooney for splitting the
leadership of Warbler Walks this spring.
Our next event is the first of two Swift Counts at the corner of
Maryland and Capitol Dr in Shorewood on Sunday, August 9, 2009; 7:45
- 8:15 PM. The six Warbler Walks for fall start on Saturday, August
22, 2009 at 8:30 AM. Monthly fall-winter Duck Watches start on
Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 11 AM. The Lake Park Christmas Count
starts at 1PM on Saturday, December 19, 2009. I also organize the
Friendship Christmas Count in southern Adams County. This year it is
on Saturday, January 2, 2010.
--- Paul Hunter,
From: Dennis J Casper <>
Date: May 26, 2009 10:46:03 AM CDT
Lake Park Warbler Walk (#6) May 23, 2009
Twenty birders joined together this morning for the sixth and last
Lake Park Warbler Walk of the 2009 spring season. The day was cool,
cloudy, and damp. It had rained earlier, and there were occasional
sprinkles during the walk. As the strong wind did last week, these
weather conditions led to some low expectations for the quality of
birding we were likely to enjoy. But again as last week, these
expectations were, to our great joy, decisively dashed!
The birding was excellent from the beginning. We began by birding
along the east side of the Locust St. ravine. The trees were alive
with warblers and other birds, so we wound up spending a good bit of
time in this area. When we finally arrived at the old road bridge
over the ravine, the same story was repeated, and we lingered long at
that point. From there, we strolled along the east side of the
ravine to the pedestrian bridge over Ravine Rd. After quite some
time on the bridge, we finally forged on to the Wolcott Statue, with
several stops on the way along the Girl Scout Ravine and the edge of
the golf course. Once more, there was ample bird life to keep us
busy. The walk ended at the statue around 10:30 with eight to ten
highly satisfied birders parting company at that point. Several of
us returned to the Warming House to work up the list for the morning.
Today's was the last Warbler Walk of the current season. Fall
Warbler Walks will begin in late August or early September. Stay tuned!
Thanks to all who joined our walk today.
Dennis Casper
Total Species: 49
1 Mallard
1 Blue-winged Teal
75 Ring-billed Gull
8 Herring Gull
3 Mourning Dove
25 Chimney Swift
1 Red-headed Woodpecker
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Olive-sided Flycatcher
1 Eastern Wood-Pewee
1 Least Flycatcher
1 Warbling Vireo
6 Red-eyed Vireo
25 Blue Jay
3 American Crow
1 Tree Swallow
4 Black-capped Chickadee
3 White-breasted Nutcatch
2 House Wren
4 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1 Eastern Bluebird
5 Swainson's Thrush
8 American Robin
1 Gray Catbird
1 Northern Mockingbird
1 Tennessee Warbler
4 Chestnut-sided Warbler
20 Magnolia Warbler
1 Black-throated Blue Warbler
2 Black-throated Green Warbler
3 Blackburnian Warbler
2 Palm Warbler
1 Bay-breasted Warbler
2 Blackpoll Warbler
2 Black-and-White Warbler
25 American Redstart
1 Common Yellowthroat
20 Wilson's Warbler
15 Canada Warbler
2 Chipping Sparrow
4 Northern Cardinal
5 Indigo Bunting
2 Red-winged Blackbird
3 Common Grackle
6 Brown-headed Cowbird
2 Baltimore Oriole
1 House Finch
1 American Goldfinch
3 House Sparrow
From: "Jym Mooney & Carol Lee Hopkins" <>
Subject: [wisb] Mockingbird, hooded warbler - Lake Park, Milwaukee 5/22
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 16:33:50 -0500
In Lake Park this afternoon, a northern mockingbird was hanging
around the
bowling greens. Two other birders kindly tipped me off to its
presence. I
found a female hooded warbler on the hillside by the bridge on the north
side of the Bistro. Other warblers - Canada, magnolia, Wilson's, and
redstarts are still easily found. I saw one mourning warbler as well.
Jym Mooney, Milwaukee
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