I wish I had more time to work on bird conservation in
Milwaukee. I am dreaming of bringing groups together around the
framework of an Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds. See
--- Paul Hunter, Secretary, MOBCAW
Milwaukee Olmsted Bird Conservation Alliance of Wisconsin
In the next to last article in the September 2009 edition of the
Birding Community E-bulletin that Bill Mueller posted on Wis Bird
Net, the Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds is mentioned.
This program of the US Fish and Wildlife Service no longer has funds
for the several up-to-$150,000 grants it has made since 1999.
However the grant application process still provides a blue print for
conserving birds in urban areas.
In the Milwaukee area various groups are already active in some
of the areas included in the bird treaty. Below is a very partial list:
- Habitat Creation, Protection, and Restoration;
... Wisconsin Metro Audubon Society - Martin House at Grobschmidt Park
... Ozaukee Washington Land Trust - http://www.owlt.org/
- Education and Outreach;
... Urban Ecology Center - http://www.urbanecologycenter.org/
- Hazard(s) Reduction; and
... Wisconsin Night Guardians for Songbirds: WINGS - http://
- Non-native, Invasive, or Nuisance Animal and Plant Species Management
... http://www.parkpeoplemke.org/index.php/weed-out.html
The Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds, is an outreach
program designed to address a sometimes overlooked area of bird
conservation -- the need to work with cities to preserve habitat and
educate citizens about birds in an urban environment.
Due to lack of funding, we are not able to take new applications
for challenge-cost-shares at this time. We are still open to future
partnering with cities. We are currently looking for ways to put City
staff and Service personnel together to discuss opportunities for
Treaty Cities by utilizing partnerships and funding from outside
The focus areas of the Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory
Birds are Habitat Creation, Protection, and Restoration; Education
and Outreach; Hazard(s) Reduction; and Non-native, Invasive, or
Nuisance Animal and Plant Species Management.
For more information on Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory
Birds, or sample application and proposals, contact:
Julie St. Louis, National Program Coordinator
Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds
Division of Migratory Bird Management , USFWS
4401 North Fairfax Drive, Room 634 Arlington, Virginia 22203
Julie_stlouis@fws.gov , 703-358-1714 , 703-358-2217 (fax)
Federal, state, and local legislators have enacted a number of
international treaties and domestic laws to provide protection for
migratory birds.
- 2001 Executive Order on Migratory Birds is designed to help Federal
agencies comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
- 1999 Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds
- 1992 Wild Bird Conservation Act establishes a Federal system to
limit or prohibit the importing of exotic bird species into the
United States.
- 1980 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act authorizes financial and
technical assistance to the States for the development, revision, and
implementation of conservation plans and programs for nongame fish
and wildlife.
- 1973 Endangered Species Act to conserve the ecosystems upon which
endangered and threatened species depend. Endangered species are
those in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range. Threatened species are those likely to become
endangered within the foreseeable future.
- 1972 Ramsar Convention maintains a list of wetlands of
international importance
- 1959 Antarctic Treaty prohibits the taking, importing, and
transporting of birds and mammals native to the Antarctic
- 1956 Waterfowl Depredations Prevention Act authorizes the use of
surplus grain owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation to feed
waterfowl to prevent crop damage.
- 1940 Bald Eagle Protection Act prohibits taking, possession, and
commerce of the bald eagle and the golden eagle.
- 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act is the domestic law that implements
the United States' commitment to four international conventions for
the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. The Act
protects species or families of birds that live, reproduce, or
migrate within or across international borders at some point during
their annual life cycle.
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