See the messages from Wis Bird Net that I am forwarding below.
--- Paul Hunter
Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
Warbler Walks at Lake Park, - Saturdays, 8:30 to 10:00 AM
Spring 2010: April 17 JM, April 24 PH, May 1 DC, May 8 PH, May 15 PH,
May 22 JM
Leaders: PH = Paul Hunter, JM = Jim Mooney, DC = Dennis Casper
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 10:30:35 -0500
Subject: [wisb] 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers Lake Park Milwaukee
From: Brian Hansen <>
With a little luck we may have 2 pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers this
nesting in Lake Park. This morning another person and I saw 4 different
ones at the same time in the Locust Ravine just south of the wooden
footbridge. Also a great morning for migrants. There must have been 40
people + for the Warbler walk and I am sure a report will be coming
in on
their sightings. I had FOY Clay-colored Sparrows and a Black-
throated Blue
Warbler and BT Green Warbler.
Brian Hansen
Milwaukee - east side
From: "Jym Mooney & Carol Lee Hopkins" <>
Subject: [wisb] Re: Piping Plover - Milw Bradford Beach
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 11:43:53 -0500
Thanks for forwarding this to the list so quickly, Paul.
The PIPING PLOVER was later seen by several folks from the Lake Park
Walk, and was still present at 10:30. It was found on the north end of
Bradford Beach, and was very cooperative. It has a complete breast
and I almost blew it off as a semi-palmated plover, but something
made me
look more closely. The upper parts were pale gray, and the
underparts clean
white. The face did not have the dark eye-band like SP plovers;
rather the
face was light gray with a whitish eyebrow, which really made the
large dark
eye stand out. The breast band was black and thin; there was a black
across the brow, bright orange legs, and a short, thick bill. The bill
appeared mostly dark to me, but another later observer told me they
a lightening of the darkness at the base of the bill.
A lifer for me, and very nice to be able to share it with the Warbler
group today.
Jym Mooney, Milwaukee
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:wisbirdn-]
On Behalf Of Paul Hunter
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 8:54 AM
Subject: [wisb] Piping Plover - Milw Bradford Beach
Jym Mooney reported seeing a Piping Plover on Bradford Beach at about
7:40 am on Saturday May 1st.
From: Chris West <>
Subject: [wisb] lake park whooping crane
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 14:42:22 -0500
Hi all, my friend ethan just called to tell me that he just saw a
whooping crane flying north over lake park in milwaukee.
crazy! Chris w, richland county
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 21:40:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Suzanne Harp <>
Subject: [wisb] Lake Park Milw 5/1
Here's our list from earlier 5/1 afternoon (1-4)
Late posting since we drove back to Madison
Red headed WP -2 males
Wood thrush
BT Green warbler
BT Blue warbler
Palm warblers
Yellow rumped- myrtle warblers
Common Yellow throat warbler
5 male Baltimore orioles
Lots o' BG gnatcatchers
RC kinglet
WT sparrows
WC sparrows
Indigo bunting
Red-eyed vireo
Blue headed vireo
Coopers hawk scaring everyone
Flock of Cormorants flying over
Suzanne H
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