Lake Park Birders,
Still waiting for a more complete report from Milwaukee, but see Mark Korducki's lakefront report below. Tim Vargo led a bunch of us on a strenuous walk through deep snow on both banks of the Milwaukee River from North Ave to Capitol Drive and back, with a warm lunch at Baker's Square. We saw a Hermit Thrush, Common Merganser, Winter Wren and Golden-crowned Kinglet. Todd Wilson heard a Great Horned Owl along the river shortly after midnight. I heard another at Lake Park at about 4:45 PM, just southeast of the wooden Rustic Bridge over Locust Ravine.
If you are looking for an adventurous counting experience come with Jym Mooney, Ron Gutschow, Brian Hansen, me and others to southern Adams County (north of Wisconsin Dells) on Saturday, January 3, 2009 for our third annual Friendship count. For more info:
--- Paul Hunter,
Date: December 20, 2008 3:54:47 PM CST
Subject: Milwaukee CBC highlights
I covered the Milwaukee Lakefront today for the Christmas count. Strong wind off the lake made it frigid but we had some good birds. 7 species of gulls including Great and Lesser Black-backed, Iceland, Glaucous, Thayer's. 2 swan species, nice male Wood Duck, Horned Grebe. Steve Lubahn had a Snowy Owl. Tom Prestby had White-winged Scoters at Doctor's Park. The most unusual bird was a Monk Parakeet that we found east of McKinley Marina. I heard it calling and then we saw it feeding on some fruit bearing tree. Nice flash of color against the snow. Probably an escaped bird but with a countable population in Chicago who knows? Had a good time birding with Steve Lubahn and Tom Prestby.
Mark Korducki, New Berlin
Date: December 20, 2008 9:24:14 PM CST
Subject: Madison CBC Preliminary Results
Below are the preliminary results from the Madison CBC. Five areas have not reported in yet. Thus far we are at 75 Species.
Highlights include:
White-winged Crossbills--Gov. Island and near the intersection of County B and Lalor Road
Yellow-rumped Warbler--with the previous species B & Lalor Rd.
Red Crossbills
Chipping Sparrow--by the airport
Lincoln's Sparrow
Gray Catbird--Picnic Point
White-winged Scoter--see Andy P's post
Virginia Rail--Wingra Marsh
Northern Saw-whet Owl--UW Arboretum--Tom Uttech, thanks for the Hawk Owl tape suggestion . The Saw-whet only did the scream call in response to the Saw-whet Owl Tape. It started tooting like crazy in response to the Northern Hawk Owl tape.
Count Total Species
1 American Black Duck
1 Common Goldeneye
1 American Kestrel
1 Ring-necked Pheasant
1 Wilson's Snipe
1 Northern Saw-whet Owl
1 Carolina Wren
1 + White-winged Scoter
1 + Gray Catbird
1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1 + Chipping Sparrow
1 + Lincoln's Sparrow
2 Ring-necked Duck
2 Eastern Screech Owl
2 Barred Owl
2 Northern Shrike
2 Great Blue Heron
2 Tundra Swan
2 + Virginia Rail
2 Hermit Thrush
2 Lapland Longspur
2 Pileated Woodpecker
3 Sharp-shinned Hawk
3 Herring Gull
3 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
4 Winter Wren
5 Fox Sparrow
5 Eastern Bluebird
6 Common Merganser
6 Red Crossbill
7 Rough-legged Hawk
7 Red-breasted Nuthatch
8 Belted Kingfisher
8 Tufted Titmouse
8 Bald Eagle
9 Great Horned Owl
9 Swamp Sparrow
10 American Coot
10 Snow Bunting
11 Cooper's Hawk
12 Golden-crowned Kinglet
13 Mute Swan
25 Gadwall
25 Song Sparrow
26 Hooded Merganser
27 Northern Flicker
29 White-winged Crossbill
39 White-throated Sparrow
54 Cackling Goose
62 Red-tailed Hawk
72 Brown Creeper
83 Hairy Woodpecker
85 Common Grackle
96 Blue Jay
102 American Robin
105 Wild Turkey
125 Red-bellied Woodpecker
169 Cedar Waxwing
234 White-breasted Nuthatch
242 Rock Pigeon
252 Downy Woodpecker
388 Pine Siskin
480 Mourning Dove
612 Northern Cardinal
646 Mallard
652 American Tree Sparrow
667 House Finch
701 European Starling
821 American Goldfinch
916 Black-capped Chickadee
937 American Crow
1,076 Dark-eyed Junco
1,243 House Sparrow
1,934 Canada Goose
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