Lake Park Birders,
Looks like Todd Wilson added two new species to his BiGBY, Big Green Birding Year.
I believe the Long-tailed Duck and Hybrid Hooded Merganser X Common Golden-eye
put Todd over 160 species for his year of totally foot and bike-powered birding.
Just 18 more days till he can get in his car again to do birding ;-)
--- Paul Hunter,
On Dec 13, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Todd Wilson wrote:
Just got back from a long hike to the lake and back. I had great views of a female Long-tailed Duck in close at the Marina.
Also present was a Hooded Merg X Common Goldeneye hybrid. I didn't get a pic but the bird looked pretty much exactly like this:
I googled it and it turns out to be a pretty common hybrid.
From WikiPedia
Bigby is an acronym for birders doing a Big Green Big Year in which they attempt to build a long list of bird species without once contributing to green-house gas emissions ... ie: no cars or planes, simply walking, cycling, skiing etc to get around
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